Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Vitae accumsan nibh quam urna sed tortor sit nam. Amet faucibus vulputate ullamcorper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Vitae accumsan nibh quam urna sed tortor sit nam. Amet faucibus vulputate ullamcorper.
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With unrivaled industry knowledge, and immediate expert installation we have been helping customers find the floors they need to complete any commercial or residential project with hardwood, laminate, and luxury vinyl flooring.
Looking for amazing deals, personalized service, unrivaled industry knowledge, and immediate expert installation?
For more than 25 years, we have been helping customers find the floors they need to complete any commercial or residential project.
With Brazil Floors you get instant, accurate estimates on hardwood, laminate, and luxury vinyl flooring products and services.
We’ll walk you through the entire process before the job gets started.
We’re happy to explain your options, the costs involved, and the timeline you should expect.
We'll visit your home or office and bring you all the floor samples, and stain colors.
We'll measure the job and help you select the right product to satisfy the needs of your lifestyle & budget, and you will get instant and accurate estimates in the comfort of your home.
We have a large selection of domestic and exotic hardwood floors in unfinished, pre-finished, engineered and laminate than anyone, all for at least 10% less than anywhere else—specialty retail, big box stores, other in-home services—even with their “sales,” it doesn’t matter, we guarantee to beat anyone’s price.
We offer next-day installation or refinishing on all our flooring services. Since we offer free in-home shopping and stock millions of square feet of hardwood, luxury vinyl, and laminate flooring in our local warehouse facilities, we are able to offer the unique benefit of delivering our customers Professional Next Day Installation* with no additional cost.
Great team of installers very detailed, very fast. Will use again!
Loved the service, the floors all look amazing. The attention to detailed and help this crew gave was GREAT. Would recommend them to any who ask!
Thank you for your application! Our team will contact you in the next 24 hours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Arcu morbi at nisl rhoncus quam. Faucibus praesent fringilla lectus neque sed. Sagittis fermentum fusce sit vulputate varius egestas scelerisque senectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Arcu morbi at nisl rhoncus quam. Faucibus praesent fringilla lectus neque sed. Sagittis fermentum fusce sit vulputate varius egestas scelerisque senectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Arcu morbi at nisl rhoncus quam. Faucibus praesent fringilla lectus neque sed. Sagittis fermentum fusce sit vulputate varius egestas scelerisque senectus.